Container de 1000 Litros

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The 1000 Liters Garbage Container is manufactured in Medium or High Density Polyethylene (PEMD or HDPE) 100% virgin, guaranteeing our customers the safety and reliability requirements due to the high quality material, resistance and durability.

Resistant to impact and traction, the Trash Container 1000 Liters Without Pedal has protection against ultraviolet rays and contains an extra antioxidant additive, which guarantees levels of protection class 8 - UV 8, of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), in accordance with the EN840 standard.

They have a capacity of 1000L and have PVC wheels with a diameter of 200mm and a polypropylene (PP) core. They have 4 swivel casters, 2 of which have brakes, and steel forks with anti-corrosion treatment, which guarantees excellent value for money.

The Trash Container Without Pedal 1000L also has trunnion for lateral tipping in urban collection trucks, steel plate reinforcement and drain with threadable lid for liquid disposal.

They were created in different colors, for the correct disposal of different types of materials. The colors are associated with the collection of plastic, paper, glass, metal, radioactive, organic, non-recyclable waste, etc.

We have in green, blue, red, yellow, gray, orange, black, white and brown colors.

Container approved by ABNT NBR 15911-3 standard

They are indicated for

  • Selective collect;
  • Urban collection;
  • For collection companies;
  • Condos and malls;
  • Industrial and hospital waste;
  • Commercial and industrial establishments.
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